Tag: Otello

  • Podcast Episode 2: Otello + Venetian Vixen Part 2

    Maren tells the conclusion of Venetian Vixen and spends some time talking about Verdi’s Otello, as well as the history of blackface in opera and the work that still needs to be done to overcome racism in opera. News articles about Otello and blackface: The New York Times (2015): An ‘Otello’ Without Blackface Highlights an…

  • Podcast Episode 1: Otello + Venetian Vixen Part 1

    Maren explains how she got into writing mini-romance novels, and talks about her first time (writing romance, that is). It was backstage at the opera, during a production of Verdi’s Otello, when her first romance, Venetian Vixen, was born. Maren reads the first few titillating chapters of this short story, and talks about her one-woman…