Tag: passion

  • Pandemic Passion Chapter 4

    Jenny stared out her bedroom window. After her phone had charged, she scrolled through her messages with Rick and reread them about a hundred times. It had been almost a full day, and she still hadn’t responded to him. There was something frightening about encouraging him over text. She really liked him, and she had…

  • Pandemic Passion Chapter 3

    Pandemic Passion Chapter 3

    Dawn’s rosy fingers crept across the horizon, between the high rises of the city, and pushed gently through Jenny’s bedroom curtains. Jenny stirred, squinting at the invading light. Was it morning already? She and Rick had been messaging all night long, and at this point she felt like she had known him all her life.…

  • Pandemic Passion Chapter 2

    Pandemic Passion Chapter 2

    She was posing with a roll of toilet paper cradled at her bosom…which gave him the perfect opportunity to keep staring at those delightful globes of perfection.

  • Pandemic Passion Chapter 1

    Pandemic Passion Chapter 1

    “I’m fine, mom,” Jenny sighed into the phone as she walked through the supermarket. “There’s hardly anyone here, and…” Jenny’s voice trailed off as she looked down the aisle. There was one pack of toilet paper on the shelf. And it was a 24-pack. There was also only one other person at the other end…